It is hard to understand some of Apostle Paul’s epistle. It is unknown exactly the background of the epistle, for example, I Corinthians 11:10 from the New International Version. (NIV)

“For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of      authority on her head.” 

For many centuries, Western Churches practiced women’s veiling as the answer. In order to understand this subject, it is necessary to check what “cover” and “uncover” means.

In one of Dr. Bruce M. Metzger’s books, he wrote, “Christianity was born in Galilee but raised in Roman field.”

In this book, please pay special attention to the words "cover" and "uncover". The Romans had the idea that the covering for the head was some human-made material put on one's head; "uncover" to remove that material. Did Paul use those words with the same meaning as the Romans did? Or did Paul mean "cover" and "uncover" with the sense of God-made material, that is, to cover with one’s own human hair, not in the Roman sense of piece of material,  but Jewish sense which refers to a person’s own hair?

In another book, Dr. Metzger mentioned I Corinthians chapter 11, “The presumed meaning of the difficult ‘power’ in this passage is given by the explanatory gloss ‘a veil’.” 

Valentinus changed the word “power” to “veil.”

Basically, from the early Roman Church to the 16th century, the speaker read from the Latin Vulgate when speaking from the pulpit. It stated that women were to have a veil on their heads. Who is to doubt that statement by hearing it for a thousand years over and over? 

One can also find out how the Roman priestess, Vestal Virgins, practice was carried on as the Roman Church’s Nun’s veiling.

It is interesting to compare this with Samson’s story. What is his long hair to him?

Numbers 6:7                "because the vow of God is upon him on his head”

1 Cor. 11:10                sign of authority on her head”